How I Travel

Hey guys, I hope you're having a great Monday! Since it's vacation season and people are taking trips, I wanted to share my travel look and beauty tips with you. Whether it be a short or long flight, I always want to make sure I'm comfortable yet stylish, and fresh-faced.

What I wear:

Like I said before, comfort is key! I wear a pair of jeans or pants, a tank top, and sneakers or other types of comfortable shoes.  To bring the look altogether", I  usually wear a blazer with some gold necklaces and bracelets.

Also, I don't know why but I try to wear dark colors when I travel. This outfit example was an exception since my blazer is red. I stole it from my mom (if you're reading this sorry) and it's been a great addition to my closet. The shoulders are slightly padded and the buttons are gold! It ended up matching my accessories, a win-win!

The reason I try to be as minimalist as possible is because traveling can get hectic sometimes. Between going through security, walking down airports long aisles and all that jazz, I like to make sure I'm wearing things I can move around in freely.

 Beauty routine:

As for my beauty routine, less is definitely more. Before I leave for my trip, I like to cleanse my face, exfoliate and do a clay mask to bring out all of the impurities. I don't wear makeup when I travel, especially during long flights. Instead, I pack a small lip balm, cleanser and moisturizer in my carry-on. On the plane, I wash and moisturize my lips and face about 45 minutes before landing, that way the products have time to go deep into my skin.

Here are some examples of products which come in small, travel-friendly sizes:

From left to right: Purity pre-cleanser, Origins face cleanser, Origins face mask, La Mer face moisturizer, Marc Jacobs lip balm.

Also, water is super important! I try to drink at least a liter or two on the plane. Yes, that means multiple trips to the bathroom but it's definitely worth it. Another "beauty" hack I've learned is to stay away from sugar and salt. Flight attendants suggest things such as pretzels, coca-cola etc. These tend to  make your face puffy and you'll be more prone to getting a breakout. Instead, ask for lemon water or some baby carrots.

I hope this was helpful! Happy travels :)

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