Made in Africa
11:17:00 PMThere is no doubt that African fashion is on the rise. Wax is in, and people are quickly catching on to the trend. I have always been into A...
There is no doubt that African fashion is on the rise. Wax is in, and people are quickly catching on to the trend. I have always been into African fashion and prints, as many women in my family wore and continue to wear them. Of course, my interest really grew exponentially a few years ago, as emerging African designers began to make their clothing easily accessible to those of us living outside of the continent.
One of my current favorite brands is Tongoro Studio, by Sarah Diouf. Sarah is of Senegalese and Central African descent and created Tongoro in 2016. Tongoro itself is a ready-to-wear label and is exclusively sold online. Sarah makes all of the clothing in Sénégal, it is therefore 100% made in Africa and then shipped out to buyers, globally. The label combines the traditional and the modern through the use of intricate patterns, fabrics and asymetrical designs:
The brand caught my eye when I began to follow its Instagram page. I loved the mixes between the colors and pattern on each piece of clothing, so I just knew I had to get my hands on some. I recently got this silk top and I absolutely love it. It has a beautiful design: asymetrical works and flared sleeves, my favorites!
What makes me even happier is that this was made in a place that is so dear to me, because it is my home. I was made in Africa, and so was this. The tailors in Sénégal are extremely talented, I have never seen such rigorous, hardworking individuals with an extremely high attention to detail. If I could, I would bring everyone I know to Dakar right this instant, so they could see what goes on in the tailoring studios and witness the magic.
You can definitely tell when someone has given their all to carefully craft something, and I think that was the case with this. Everything is so well put together on the design, I'm still in awe every time I go into my closet and take a look at it.